What a great day it turned out to be!
Neither Tony nor Trish were able to make it on Sunday, so an appeal for helpers was sent out a few days before. When I arrived at the hall with the key, there were many early birds who had arrived in response.
The equipment, returning from the wonderful Quantock Lodge Weekend, was swiftly put away, furniture set out ready for the AGM and refreshments served.
We had no printer ink and the local stores had none in stock. But we managed by sharing what music was available and using flip chart paper & initiative!
Another appeal, for "People to do Things" has resulted in almost all of our club instruments having agents. We now have a "Merchandise team" (Di, Kate and Grace), a "Photocopier monitor" (Pete) and a second "Refreshments person" (Liz). I feel very proud of belonging to such a supportive club.
Although the trees are still wearing their splendid autumn outfits, November is our Christmas carols month. Claire led the carols using an arrangement - which enabled all levels of players to be included - and the Salvation Army band card books. This was followed by a session led by Alan and Mike using our music from the "purple folders".
In recognition of the anniversary of the end of WW1, our theme this week was "War Songs". Five groups practiced during the morning, after the AGM, utilising every available space in the hall. There was a wide range of songs and music and even the new beginners were able to join in.
The resulting Showcase in the afternoon was fabulous. Six groups (one coming together late in the day!) and two individuals, presented a diverse and emotional memorial concert.
A huge "thank you" to everyone who came and participated in so many ways.
The next Play Day will be the New Years Party (bring and share lunch) on Sunday 6th Jan. '19. Where there will be a "MuseScore" presentation and another "Raucous Chorus" featuring a selection of instruments.
We look forward to seeing you next time.
Kate, Tony & Beryl "The Ruishton Team"