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The Coffer Fund

To further interest in playing the concertina, the WCCP has established a "Coffer Fund" ("The Fund") which is available to concertina players and is not exclusive to WCCP members.  Whilst primarily intended for groups, applications from individuals will be considered. The primary aim of The Fund is to assist in those projects where lack of financial assistance would render the venture non-viable.
Such projects might include:
  • engaging professional tuition to improve playing,
  • assisting in the purchase of music,
  • assisting in the purchase of an instrument,
  • assisting in the hire of a venue for practice,
  • sponsoring a public event intended to increase general awareness of the group and/or recruit members.
The Fund is currently administered by John Lambert on behalf of the WCCP committee. Any group/person wishing to apply for funding should complete the application form available on this website and email it to John at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
John will then make contact with the applicant to discuss the application and clarify details.  He will report to the WCCP committee on behalf of the applicant. All applications will be considered on their merits, and the decisions of the WCCP committee will be final. In some cases it may be felt appropriate to offer partial funding rather than 100%
The WCCP committee has set project and annual cumulative limits on grants.

Click here for a Concertina Coffer Fund Application form.

The form is a PDF document which can be saved to your local disk by clicking the right mouse button on the above link and selecting Save Link As from the menu.

In the unlikely event that your computer cannot open PDF documents, you will need to install Acrobat Reader from Adobe. You can download it from this page. 

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