Playing on Zoom
WCCP offers various sessions on Zoom, as it is a good way to get together when we are geographically distant. The attendees stay on mute, whilst a volunteer leads the tune. The sheet music is shown on screen to play along with. Zoom is great for any standard of player, as others can’t hear you! It is usually best to adjust your Zoom audio settings to "original sound on" and to manually adjust microphone volume to pick up the sound of the concertina.
General Zoom playing sessions
For club members, we will run playing sessions over the winter to fit in between the Ruishton play days. The dates are listed on the Programme page, with Zoom joining details sent out to all Members closer to the time. To date the tunes have mostly been in the Folk genre but any music is welcomed and the choice is down to the volunteers who lead the tunes. We are always looking for more volunteers to lead tunes.
Anglo Zoom
WCCP is keen to support the development of Anglo concertina playing skills in the club but currently has no online tutor.
Duet Zoom
Paul McCann runs an ad-hoc Duet "Chat and Play" Zoom meeting. Although aimed mainly at players of the duet concertina systems, the sessions also offer an advice forum for those considering taking up a duet system.
English Zoom
A few Zoom meetings for the English system have been held. If any member has suggestions for topics and techniques to be covered please contact Chris Reid.
For any suggestions regarding the use of Zoom by WCCP please contact Chris Reid on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Members are advised of upcoming sessions by email and dates are also on the Programme page.